Mr Myles has been crafting songs for children for over 20 years. Today, children are exposed to a digital media sound palette of bleeps and digital tones. His music (which uses more authentic instruments) aims to broaden children's soundscapes and offer an alternative to such a 'plinky-plonky' computer-generated world. This fresh and original music includes songs for toddlers up to Year 8 (age 13), productions and choir arrangements, often drawing on favourite books as inspiration for new songs, such as Tiddler (from the book by Julia Donaldson), Leo (The Lion Who Wanted To Love by Giles Andreae), Such A Splendid Place To Be (from Wind in the Willows), or historical events or places, such as Fire! Fire! (The Great Fire of London), The Age of Stone or The Lady With The Lamp (about Florence Nightingale.) 

Based in Sevenoaks, Kent his experience has included teaching (mostly) primary music abroad, including South Africa, The Middle East and Thailand. We has written 3 albums for children and worked with the Oxford Jazz Festival, Thetford Voices, The Jacqueline du Pré Music Centre, and The Cornbury, Lechlade, Riverside, and Wychwood Music Festivals. His unique festival theme tune for Lechlade can be found here

In 2024 he wrote the music Sounds module for Sky Arts: Access All Arts, introducing jazz into primary classrooms up and down the country. His song, Where Does Jazz Come From? was brilliantly ‘analysed’ by Lucy-Anne Daniels from NYJO (National Youth Jazz Orchestra) and used to inspire children to scat and create their own songs. Watch the short film here. He is currently working on a hygiene project, due to be ‘released’ at the end of the year while his music has also been used by Goldsmiths University for neuroscience research in babies.